Cookie Policy 1

Cookie Policy 2

Your cook­ie set­tings on this website

This Cook­ie Pol­i­cy describes the nature, scope, pur­pose and legal basis on which we, Porsche Cars Great Britain Lim­it­ed, use cook­ies on our web­site. For fur­ther infor­ma­tion con­cern­ing how we use your Per­son­al Data please refer to our Pri­va­cy Policy.

This Cook­ie Pol­i­cy describes the nature, scope, pur­pose and legal basis on which we, Porsche Cars Great Britain Lim­it­ed, use cook­ies on our web­site. For fur­ther infor­ma­tion con­cern­ing how we use your Per­son­al Data please refer to our Pri­va­cy Policy.

“What are Cookies?”

Cook­ies are small files (such as scripts, pix­els and tags) which are stored on your ter­mi­nal device, with the help of your web brows­er. They can be used to pro­vide com­pre­hen­sive func­tion­al­i­ty, to make your user expe­ri­ence more con­ve­nient and to opti­mise content.

“Types of cookies”

We use both cook­ies and cook­ie-like tech­nolo­gies on our web­site (joint­ly referred to as ‘cook­ies’). The cook­ies used on our web­site can be divid­ed into the four cat­e­gories set out below. You can change your cook­ie set­tings at any time by click­ing here. Please note that block­ing cer­tain types of cook­ies can impact on your expe­ri­ence of the web­site and/or the ser­vices available.

Strict­ly Nec­es­sary Cookies

These cook­ies are nec­es­sary in order for the web­site to func­tion cor­rect­ly and are saved auto­mat­i­cal­ly when the web­site or a par­tic­u­lar func­tion is request­ed, unless you have dis­abled cook­ies in your brows­er settings.

Strict­ly Nec­es­sary Cook­ies enable you to move around our web­site and use the fea­tures as we intend­ed. With­out these cook­ies, some ser­vices can­not be pro­vid­ed – for exam­ple, remem­ber­ing pre­vi­ous actions such as your pre­vi­ous cook­ie set­ting pref­er­ences. These cook­ies are used exclu­sive­ly by Porsche and are there­fore known as first-party cookies.

Ana­lyt­i­cal Cookies

These cook­ies are used for web analy­sis and reach mea­sure­ment to allow us to mea­sure and improve the over­all per­for­mance of our web­site and opti­mise the content.

Ana­lyt­i­cal cook­ies, can for exam­ple, count the num­ber of vis­its to our web­site and deter­mine from which other web­sites our pages are accessed. We can there­fore find out which sec­tions of our web­site are most pop­u­lar, which are the least fre­quent­ed and how vis­i­tors nav­i­gate our web­site. If you have acti­vat­ed these cook­ies, you can deac­ti­vate them at any time in your set­tings above or via the set­tings in your browser.

Mar­ket­ing Cookies

Mar­ket­ing Cook­ies are used by our care­ful­ly select­ed third-party providers, to pro­vide inter­est-based con­tent and adver­tis­ing on other web­sites and social media plat­forms, based on an analy­sis of pre­vi­ous usage behav­iour on our website.

Mar­ket­ing Cook­ies can cre­ate usage pro­files (behav­iour­al pro­files) based on infor­ma­tion sup­plied by the providers of the retargeting/remarketing ser­vices we use, some­times anony­mous­ly or using pseu­do­nyms. We will not use your data col­lect­ed in this way to per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fy you, and will never merge it with the per­son­al data we hold about you. These cook­ies can also be used to limit the num­ber of times you see an adver­tise­ment to avoid over exposure.

“Cook­ie Stor­age duration”

Ses­sion cookies

Most cook­ies are only required for the dura­tion of your cur­rent ser­vice request or for your ses­sion and they are delet­ed or become invalid as soon as you leave our web­site or when your cur­rent ses­sion expires (so-called “ses­sion cook­ies”). Ses­sion cook­ies are used, for exam­ple, to hold cer­tain infor­ma­tion such as your reg­is­tra­tion for our web­site or your shop­ping basket.

Per­ma­nent cookies

Just occa­sion­al­ly cook­ies are stored for a longer peri­od, for instance to recog­nise you when you re-visit our web­sites at a later time and in order to be able to retrieve saved set­tings. This enables you to access our web­sites more quick­ly or con­ve­nient­ly and with­out hav­ing to recon­fig­ure cer­tain set­tings, such as your cho­sen lan­guage. Per­ma­nent cook­ies are auto­mat­i­cal­ly delet­ed after a pre­de­fined peri­od of time if you visit the page or domain which issued the cookie.

Flow cook­ies

These cook­ies are used for com­mu­ni­ca­tion between var­i­ous inter­nal Porsche servers. They are saved at the start of a user inter­ac­tion and delet­ed again once this has ended. Dur­ing the inter­ac­tion flow cook­ies receive a unique iden­ti­fi­ca­tion num­ber, but this does not allow any kind of infer­ences regard­ing the actu­al cus­tomer or user or to enable us to per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fy you.

“Third Party Con­tent and Cookies”

Our web­site uses third-party ser­vices to inte­grate their con­tent, for exam­ple plu­g­ins from social net­work­ing sites. The providers of this con­tent are noti­fied of your IP address; they would be unable to trans­fer the con­tent to your device with­out this and the con­tent would there­fore not dis­play. The Third-Party provider may also store cook­ies on your device.

So-called “Third-Party cook­ies” are saved and used by other com­pa­nies or web­sites, for exam­ple by the providers of web analy­sis tools, or to show inter­est-based adver­tis­ing. More detailed infor­ma­tion on the cook­ies used by our Third Party providers, such as Google, Twit­ter, Face­book Inc, Linkedin & YouTube, can be found on our Cook­ies Set­tings page. Details on how to man­age your set­tings and dis­able inter­est-based adver­tis­ing with our Third Party providers can also be found on this page when open­ing the ? Icon.

“Inte­gra­tion of third-party videos”

Videos are inte­grat­ed into this web­site via This is a ser­vice of Vimeo, Inc., 555 West 18th Street, New York, New York 10011, USA (“Vimeo”). To do this, a con­nec­tion is estab­lished to the Vimeo servers in the USA. Cer­tain infor­ma­tion (e.g. your IP address) is there­fore trans­mit­ted to Vimeo. Vimeo may also store cook­ies on your device. We are unaware of the nature and extent of the data col­lect­ed by Vimeo and have no con­trol over its use. Dur­ing inte­gra­tion, Vimeo may also be noti­fied that your brows­er has accessed the cor­re­spond­ing page of this web­site, even if you do not have an account with Vimeo or are not logged into Vimeo.

More infor­ma­tion about the col­lec­tion and use of your data by Vimeo, as well as your rights in this regard, is avail­able in Vimeo’s pri­va­cy pol­i­cy at You can tech­ni­cal­ly dis­able the stor­age and use of cook­ies by Vimeo in your brows­er set­tings and/or using brows­er add-ons; please be advised, how­ev­er, that in this case you may not be able to fully use all the fea­tures of our website.

“Dele­tion and objec­tion to the use of cookies”

It is not oblig­a­tory to accept cook­ies when using our web­sites; if you do not want cook­ies to be stored on your ter­mi­nal device, you can dis­able them by click­ing here or via the rel­e­vant option in the sys­tem set­tings for your brows­er. You can delete saved cook­ies at any time in the brows­er sys­tem set­tings. You can select “Do not accept cook­ies” in your Inter­net brows­er set­tings. The process for man­ag­ing and delet­ing cook­ies in your Inter­net brows­er set­tings is detailed in the help menu of your Inter­net brows­er. You can also dis­able all cook­ies using free Inter­net brows­er add-ons such as “Adblock Plus” in com­bi­na­tion with the “EasyPri­va­cy” list or “Ghostery”.

Please note that the func­tion­al­i­ty and func­tion­al scope of our web­site may be lim­it­ed if you do not accept cookies.