

Eber­hard Weiblen 
Chair­man of the Exec­u­tive Board
Porsche Con­sult­ing GmbH 

Journalistic editorial responsible according to § 18 para. 2 MStV

Eber­hard Weiblen  
Chair­man of the Exec­u­tive Board 
Porsche Con­sult­ing GmbH 


Hein­er von der Laden
Porsche Con­sult­ing GmbH 

Editorial Office

Tanja Krupp
Porsche Con­sult­ing GmbH 


Porsche Con­sult­ing GmbH 

Porsche Design Tower Stuttgart
Siemensstraße 6
70469 Stuttgart
Tel: (+49) 0711 911–1 20 01

Rep­re­sent­ed by the Board of Directors:
Eber­hard Weiblen, Chair­man
Dr. Joachim Lamla

Reg­is­terg­ericht: Amts­gericht Stuttgart
HRB-Nr. 302223 

A sub­sidiary of Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG 


Axel Springer Cor­po­rate Solu­tions GmbH & Co. KG 

Axel-Springer-Str 65
10888 Berlin
Tel: (+49) 030 2591–74729

Legal notice

Porsche, the Porsche Crest, 911, Car­rera, Targa, Boxster, Cayenne, Tip­tron­ic and Tequip­ment are reg­is­tered trade­marks of Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG 

The depict­ed vehi­cles show equip­ment items for the Fed­er­al Repub­lic of Ger­many. They also con­tain, for exam­ple, option­al equip­ment that does not belong to the stan­dard scope of deliv­ery or is only avail­able at extra charge. Some mod­els are not avail­able in var­i­ous coun­tries due to coun­try-spe­cif­ic reg­u­la­tions and require­ments. For more infor­ma­tion about the avail­able mod­els and exact equip­ment spec­i­fi­ca­tions, please con­sult your Porsche Cen­tre or your importer.  

Porsche reserves the right to alter design, equip­ment and deliv­ery pack­age with­out prior notice. Colours may dif­fer from those illus­trat­ed. Errors and omis­sions except­ed. All prices shown are non-bind­ing.  

Please use only Gen­uine Porsche parts for your vehi­cle. These parts can be obtained from Porsche con­tract deal­ers. Your local Porsche part­ner has infor­ma­tion on the test­ed range of parts and can advise you as nec­es­sary.  

With­in the scope of legal require­ments, Porsche accepts respon­si­bil­i­ty for parts released by Porsche. How­ev­er, using other parts or acces­sories may adverse­ly affect the safe­ty of your car. Porsche can­not accept any respon­si­bil­i­ty for loss or dam­age caused by the use of such parts.  

Even if the sup­pli­er of other acces­sories or parts is a rec­og­nized sup­pli­er, the safe­ty of your car may still be affect­ed if such items are installed. Due to the large vari­ety of prod­ucts offered in the acces­so­ry mar­ket it is not pos­si­ble for Porsche to inspect and approve each one of them.  

Please note also that using spare parts which are not approved by Porsche may also have a detri­men­tal effect on the war­ran­ty cov­er­ing your car.  

Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG
Porschep­latz 1 
D‑70435 Stuttgart 

Copyright notices

All pho­tographs, audio and video clips, pic­ture images, graph­ics, links, web­site archi­tec­ture, for­mat, lay­out and data struc­tures, and all other items con­tained on the web­site are copy­right­ed unless oth­er­wise noted and may not be used in any man­ner, except as pro­vid­ed in these Terms or in the web­site text, with­out Porsche’s prior writ­ten per­mis­sion. Images of peo­ple or places and Porsche prod­ucts, are either prop­er­ty of, or used with per­mis­sion by, Porsche. Any unau­tho­rized use of these mate­ri­als may vio­late copy­right, trade­mark and pri­va­cy laws, and other applic­a­ble statutes. You may browse this web­site and down­load or print a copy of mate­r­i­al dis­played on the web­site for your per­son­al use only and not for redis­tri­b­u­tion, unless con­sent­ed to in writ­ing by Porsche. This lim­it­ed con­sent shall auto­mat­i­cal­ly ter­mi­nate upon your breach of any of these web­site Terms.