
Enhancing the
Value of E-Cars

What are customers really willing to pay for a new electric car? What services help to dispel reservations and smooth the way to the mobility of the future? Porsche Consulting investigated.


Software offers new and individualized access to information and services — especially in cars with electric drives.Porsche Consulting/Clara Nabi

“When dri­vers con­sid­er buy­ing their first new elec­tric car, they’re usu­al­ly look­ing for ‘more value’ than before,” says Christoph Köh­ler, Man­ag­er at Porsche Con­sult­ing and an expert in the auto­mo­tive busi­ness. “Real added value is a cus­tomer ser­vice that ever more buy­ers are seek­ing and expect­ing above and beyond just the expe­ri­ence of dri­ving.” Köh­ler and his inter­dis­ci­pli­nary team have ana­lyzed the cur­rent mar­ket and defined ser­vices that add value of real ben­e­fit to both sides — to cus­tomers just as much as to mak­ers and sell­ers of new e‑cars.

“Intel­li­gent value-adding ser­vices can pro­mote fur­ther sales of elec­tric cars,” reads a pub­li­ca­tion on the “Forschungs-Infor­ma­tions-Sys­tem,” the cen­tral knowl­edge plat­form at the Ger­man Fed­er­al Min­istry for Dig­i­tal and Trans­port. And accord­ing to the IT-Zoom indus­try por­tal, “User con­ve­nience is the key to expand­ing elec­tro­mo­bil­i­ty.” Assess­ments by the Porsche Con­sult­ing man­age­ment con­sul­tan­cy show that added auto­mo­tive value doesn’t first appear when cus­tomers drive their cars, but back when they begin think­ing about elec­tric vehicles. 

As Köh­ler explains, “By cre­at­ing attrac­tive pack­ages, you can dis­pel any reser­va­tions cus­tomers might have about elec­tro­mo­bil­i­ty. These extras can take the form of solar pan­els at homes, spe­cial rates from envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly power com­pa­nies, or pref­er­en­tial access to an exten­sive net­work of high-speed charg­ing sta­tions.” He then adds, “The over­all pack­age of the car plus aux­il­iary ben­e­fits should of course also be attrac­tive in terms of price.” In other words, the con­cept of added value is twofold: use­ful extras on the one hand, cou­pled with a price ben­e­fit thanks to the pack­age solution.

Electric cars can do more. Porsche Consulting analyzed additional benefits that can encourage customers to switch to the mobility of the future.Porsche Consulting/Clara Nabi

This “every­thing from a sin­gle source” approach, how­ev­er, also requires a new way of think­ing from mar­ket play­ers in dif­fer­ent dis­ci­plines — includ­ing car man­u­fac­tur­ers, util­i­ty com­pa­nies, and insur­ers. “Any­one look­ing to offer pack­ages needs strong and capa­ble part­ner­ships that extend well beyond indi­vid­ual sec­tors,” says Köh­ler. Such net­works and col­lab­o­ra­tive efforts are still rel­a­tive­ly rare, observe the consultants.

Insuring against concerns

As a rule, car dri­vers also want to limit their finan­cial risk. All the more so if they have lit­tle or no per­son­al expe­ri­ence with a new tech­nol­o­gy, as is cur­rent­ly the case with elec­tric dri­ve­trains. Inno­v­a­tive insur­ance poli­cies that kick in if the cost­ly high-pow­ered bat­tery units should have any prob­lems can be help­ful here. In Köhler’s view, main­te­nance pack­ages with flat fees for inspec­tion ser­vices could allay con­cerns about finan­cial surprises.

Some poten­tial buy­ers have been hes­i­tat­ing for finan­cial rea­sons not only because of the pur­chas­ing prices and oper­at­ing costs, but also the prospect of high loss­es one day in the future when they decide to sell their car. They fear that the rapid devel­op­ment of elec­tric drive sys­tems could dimin­ish the appeal of used cars whose tech­nol­o­gy is no longer cur­rent. “The argu­ments here need to be espe­cial­ly strong and con­vinc­ing,” observes Köh­ler. He rec­om­mends that deal­ers add spe­cial types of insur­ance to their port­fo­lios. By com­pen­sat­ing for steep loss­es due to advances in tech­nol­o­gy, such poli­cies can allay cus­tomers’ con­cerns about resid­ual value, whether they are buy­ing new cars or sign­ing lease agree­ments. True, sup­ple­men­tal insur­ance poli­cies would raise the total pack­age price. “How­ev­er, when we’re talk­ing about a new tech­nol­o­gy that’s unfa­mil­iar to most peo­ple, you first have to build con­fi­dence,” says the expert.

Trade-ins not excluded

Anoth­er option that address­es tech­no­log­i­cal progress would be a guar­an­tee of the fol­low­ing sort: buy­ers of elec­tric cars can trade in their cars for com­pa­ra­ble new vehi­cles under espe­cial­ly favor­able terms if engi­neer­ing advances have extend­ed bat­tery ranges by 50 per­cent or more, for exam­ple. “That of course would require a com­plete­ly new way of think­ing on the part of man­u­fac­tur­ers and deal­ers, espe­cial­ly their sales staff,” notes Köh­ler. “Yet if prop­er­ly applied, this could be an attrac­tive means of enhanc­ing cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion, brand loy­al­ty, and future sales.”

Christoph Köhler, Manager at Porsche Consulting. He is convinced that “adding value is key to the success of electromobility.”Porsche Consulting/Anne Schiefelbein

The scope for poten­tial new forms of added value is essen­tial­ly unlim­it­ed. With mod­ern vehi­cles defined in large part also by the per­for­mance of their com­plex soft­ware, there are numer­ous ways of ful­fill­ing desires that can arise dur­ing a drive. Exam­ples include auto­mat­ed restau­rant reser­va­tions and shop­ping options while the car is stand­ing at a charg­ing sta­tion. Some mobile main­te­nance work could also be arranged elec­tron­i­cal­ly. Minor repairs and stan­dard main­te­nance pro­ce­dures, in par­tic­u­lar, no longer have to be done at a garage. Instead, the mechan­ic could go to the car — arranged quite lit­er­al­ly at the press of a button.

Sim­i­lar­ly attrac­tive solu­tions can pro­mote fur­ther sav­ings in ener­gy and costs. The bat­tery of an elec­tric car parked out­side a home can be used as a buffer ener­gy sys­tem. Power from solar pan­els can charge it and if need­ed, flow back into the house for other uses. Intel­li­gent sys­tems can ensure that the car remains ready to oper­ate at all times. As the valu­able heart of an elec­tric vehi­cle, the bat­tery would then offer espe­cial­ly eco­nom­i­cal addi­tion­al uses in ways that can also be measured.

As Köh­ler con­cludes, “Ulti­mate­ly it’s always a mat­ter of what cus­tomers real­ly need and actu­al­ly use in their every­day lives. A lot of this has yet to crys­tal­lize out. Elec­tro­mo­bil­i­ty providers need to be pre­pared for what will come and respond appro­pri­ate­ly — which means quick­ly and above all in very flex­i­ble ways.”

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